Sustainable Metals for Infrastructure and Renewable Energy
Low Carbon Energy Transition: Pathways for Growth and Sustainability

Spent Polymetallic Materials Collection and Recycling

Critical and Strategic Materials Production

Developing Closed Loop Materials Supply Chains for Circular Economy
By recovering and recycling spent polymetallic materials for catalyst and lithium-ion batteries; we’re lowering demand for fresh materials from mining and closing loop on transition to a Clean Energy future.
Recycled Metals to Meet Global Circular Economy Demand

Molybdenum (MoO3)

Vanadium (V2O5)

FerroVanadium (FeV)

Nickel (NiSO4)

Cobalt (CoSO4)

Manganese (MnSO4)

Lithium (Li2CO3)

Cathode Active Materials
Gladieux Metals Recycling (GMR) | Aleon Renewable Metals (ARM) | 302 Midway Road, Freeport, Texas